I Love You Too
Watercolor waterboard what a baller what? A sword…. He came at me, and u said: ONLY one more! Only on roof, only one floor. Let the 1000 flowers flow let the 1000 rowers row 1000 powers pow 1000 cowards 1000 hoes. 1000 copies only one MOE. Gimme just ONE MORE just a TON MORE JUST SO HARD CORE
U; making hard porn,
We; making hard P.O.R.
Text by T.T
Sebastian Helling
Born in London in 1975, Oslo-based Sebastian Helling received his BA from the London College of Printing in 2001 and went on to receive an MFA from the Royal College of Art two years later. In 2011 he received an MA from the Statens Kunstakademi in Oslo. Recent solo exhibitions include Did You See Me ?, Kristiansund Kunsthall, Too early, You know ?, Buer Gallery, Oslo, Godspeed, For Pete Sake, TW Gallery, Brisbane Australia, My House, Plum Trim, Nesodden, Then Play On, TW Gallery, Australia, Us/ Them, QB Gallery and Blomqvist, Oslo, VOLTA NY, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, New York, Somnambulist, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London, I Run This [Full Stop], Island, Oslo, Dive, QB Gallery, Oslo, Gi Labb!, Galleri Lab, Oslo, Grande Days, Trafo Kunsthall, Askerand When I Was Young, NoPlace, Oslo. He has exhibited in group shows as far and wide as Norway, Sweden, Poland, the UK, Germany, Australia and USA, including L21, Mallorca, Breach Gallery, Miami, pt.2 Gallery, Oakland, Grafforists, Torrance Art Museum, Los Angeles, Too Much of a Good Thing, Nordic Contemporary, Paris, Tilfældet Oslo i Ringsted, Ringsted Galleriet, Copenhagen, Verve, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London, Shattered Preface, OSL Contemporary, Oslo, Fluxus autonomus, Hvitstensalong, Hvitsten, and The City is Empty, Kronika, Poland. Hellings work is represented in several collections around the world.
Oda Broch
Oda Broch, born 1982, Oslo/Norway received her MA from Oslo National Academy of the Arts in 2008. Earlier exhibitions includes Krets, Grünerløkka Kunsthall, Chanting all clamoring, chirping, blaring elevator stops, Munch Museet, Oslo, Skyggenes tale, Munchs Atelier Ekely, Oslo, The Gadering, GAD, Oslo, On Trial - Christ, Museum of Morderen Art, Armenia, On Trial - Christ, International Academy of Art, Palestina, On Trial - Christ, Galleri F15, Jæløya, Moss, I begynnelsen var streken, Buskerud Kunstsenter, Crystallomancy, Control Room, LA, HØSTUTSTILLINGEN, Statens 124. Kunstutstilling, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Word Perfect 2.0, NoPlace, Oslo, Animasjoner, Tegnerforbundet, Oslo, Strange Age Art Festival, Podium, Oslo, Den 5. tegnebiennale, Momentum kunsthall, Moss, Northern Twilight, Galleri Agnes Amstaff, Oslo, Illustrative 09, Villa Elisabeth, Berlin, Still / Crash / Flow, Utsikten Kunstsenter, Kvinesdal, Mørketidsutstilling, Kulturhuset i Tromsø, Illustrative 08 ZÜRICH, Messehallen, Zürich, HØSTUTSTILLINGEN, Statens 121. Kunstutstilling, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, VÅRutstilling, Tegnerforbundet, Oslo, Paradise City, Soft, Oslo. Performances with Tara Rolfsen at PAO@Steilene, Nesodden, Oslo Internasjonale Poesifestival, Litteraturhuset, Oslo, Performancefestival, Galleri BOA, Oslo, Between Two Lungs, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo.
02.09.22 - 25.09.22